Specimen Requirements
Cytology, Urine
Specimen Requirement
Collect second morning specimen; voided or catheterized urine; intraoperative washings of urinary bladder, urethra, ureters, or renal pelvis.
Send no less than 20 mL in a sterile container, indicate collection method if not voided.
The fluid will be centrifuged, supernatant poured off, and diagnostic cells aspirated from the remaining material. Filters, monolayers, and/or cytospins will be made along with a cell block, if applicable. Microscopic examination is performed.
Refrigerated: 72 hours
Reference Range
By Report*
2-6 days
Clinical Use
Establish the presence of primary or metastatic neoplasms; aid in the diagnosis of infections with herpesvirus, cytomegalovirus, Blastomyces, and Schistosoma; evaluate malacoplakia; establish the presence of cytomegalic inclusion disease
Test Code